Telepresence, technologies which allow remote persons to feel as if they were present, is a growing field, especially during the pandemic. There have been many research projects in this field; however, many require a complicated robot company or provide a first-person view to remote users. We were developing T-Leap, a wearable technology that can bring the remote person the experience of walking next to the user. It has a 360-degree camera on the user's shoulder and shares the video with remote persons. We investigated how this technology can facilitate communication between users in various settings, including remote shopping and museum guides. Also, extending this system, we designed a technology that allows users to share the video of surrounding environments simultaneously.

I contributed to the project by analyzing the recording of the case study of a remote shopping experience using an affinity diagram. Our paper was accepted to the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, where I contributed as a co-author. I prototyped and conducted Wizard of Oz experiments to explore the design of a system where multiple users can broadcast their surrounding environments simultaneously. While it is a novel and complex interaction to see both our own environment and others' environment simultaneously, I investigated how to maintain ease of use and bring fun and meaning into user interactions as a core member. I contributed as a co-author, and the paper was accepted to the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia.
- Yazaki, T., Uriu, D., Watanabe, Y., Takagi, R., Kashino, Z., & Inami, M. (2023, December). “Oh, could you also grab that?”: A case study on enabling elderly person to remotely explore a supermarket using a wearable telepresence system. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 340-352).
- Yazaki, T., Watanabe, Y., Kong, L., & Inami, M. (2023, December). Design and Field Study of Syn-Leap: A Symmetric Telepresence System for Immersion Switching and Walking Across Multiple Locations. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 353-365).